29 Nov How to pay Greek Taxes via SEPA system & TAXISnet
In order to pay the Greek taxes, you need the tax statement (id note) from AADE for the payment. On the id note you will find a 30-digit number – the Payment ID (Ταυτότητα οφειλής) or “T.O.”, which is a unique number for each tax. This number can be used as many times as needed until the full payment of the tax.
What does Payment ID (“Ταυτότητα Οφειλής”) mean?
The “T.O.” or “Ταυτότητα Οφειλής” is the 30-digit code that appears on the id note that is sent to you. You can easily distinguish the code, as the first 9 digits are your VAT number.
The code format looks like this:
9 numbers – space – 9 numbers – space – 12 numbers (The code is located where the red star appears in the following id note (see screenshot below).
Key words translation that appear on the id note
Όνομα: Name
ΑΦΜ: VAT number
Συνολικό ποσό οφειλής εντός και εκτός ρύθμισης: Total amount of tax
ΣΤΟΙΧΕΙΑ ΕΚΤΟΣ ΡΥΘΜΙΣΗΣ: Amount of tax pro-settlement
Μη ληξιπρόθεσμο υπόλοιπο οφειλής: Non-overdue tax amount
Ληξιπρόθεσμο υπόλοιπο οφειλής: Outstanding tax amount
Προσαυξήσεις, τόκοι, τέλη: surcharges
ΣΤΟΙΧΕΙΑ ΡΥΘΜΙΣΕΩΝ: Amount of debt in settlement
Συνολικό ρυθμιζόμενο ποσό βασικής οφειλής: Total tax amount in settlement
Ρυθμιζόμενες προσαυξήσεις, τόκοι, τέλη: Surcharges in settlement
Συνολικό ποσό οφειλής εντός ρύθμισης: Total remaining amount in settlement
Ημ/νια λήξης: Due date of payment
Υπόλ. Δόσης: Remaining amount of monthly settlement
Προσαυξήσεις: surcharges
Συν. Υπόλοιπο: Total amount of the payment
ΕΝ.Φ.Ι.Α. (Ν.4223/2013): Property tax
ΕΙΣΟΔΗΜΑ Φ.Π.& ΕΙΔ. ΕΙΣΦ.Ν.3986/11 & Τ.Ε: Income tax
Τ.Ο.: Payment ID needed for the payment
1) Greek Taxes payment through myTaxisnet
Log in to gsis.gr with your TAXISnet codes and select the “Προσωποποιημένη πληροφόρηση” option located on the top right side of the page or by clicking on “Εφαρμογές” →”Προσωποποιημένη πληροφόρηση” (it is the first option that appears).
Choose between the two options:
-Οφειλές εκτός ρύθμισης και πληρωμή (If the tax is not in settlement)
-Οφειλές σε ρύθμιση και πληρωμή (If the tax has been in settlement)
The window that will open shows the taxpayer’s VAT number as well as the total amount of taxes.
The screenshots below are example of payment of property tax (EN.F.IA)
On the above window select “Εξόφληση” and the total amount of the tax will appear on the left box. Then click on “Έλεγχος και πληρωμή” to proceed to the payment window. In the below window select “Πληρωμή”.
A window will then appear to enter your card details and complete the payment. The TAXISnet payment system accepts payments with cards that are issued by Alpha Bank, National Bank of Greece, Eurobank Ergasias Bank, Piraeus Bank,Attica Bank, HSBC, as well as Cooperative Banks. Acceptance of the payment depends on the credit policy of each Credit Institution. If the payment is successful, the following window will appear, in which appears the printing option “Εκτύπωση”.
In order to see how to pay Greek taxes with Greek e-banking account click here.
2)Greek Taxes payment through SEPA System
In case you do not have a Greek e-banking account, you can make the payment through SEPA system from your account’s online banking. This payment method is ONLY available for SEPA (Eurozone) countries (see the countries below).
- A) Do not select the option “SWIFT” but the option “SEPA”.
- B) During the payment please fill in the information field “Remittance information” that is (free content) up to a maximum of 30 digits.
- C) In the field “Transfer Details” please enter the 30 digits payment code without letters or spaces, as it is shown on your tax statement (T.O) or in the Personalized Details of myTAXISnet (www.aade.gr) as “PAYMENT CODE via Bank”.
For the payment of property tax (ENFIA) you should select the option “SEPA” and then fill in the below as shown on the below table.
- Creditor IBAN: GR3901000230000000481090509
- Remittance Information: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (30digit code for each amount shown on your tax note as “T.O”)
Eurozone countriesSEPA payments are only used for euro-denominated transactions. For this reason, the percentage of customers reachable by SEPA payments varies on a country-by-country basis.
In Eurozone countries, all bank accounts that were previously reachable through a national scheme are now reachable via the SEPA payment schemes:
- Austria
- Belgium
- Cyprus
- Estonia
- Finland (including Aland Islands)
- France (including French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Mayotte, Saint Barthélemy, Saint Martin (French part), Réunion and Saint Pierre and Miquelon)
- Germany
- Greece
- Ireland
- Italy
- Latvia
- Lithuania
- Luxembourg
- Malta
- Monaco (Monaco and San Marino have bilateral agreements with the EU to use the euro as their official currency)
- Netherlands
- Portugal (including Azores and Madeira)
- San Marino (Monaco and San Marino have bilateral agreements with the EU to use the euro as their official currency)
- Slovakia
- Slovenia
- Spain (including Canary Islands and Ceuta en Melilla)
Non-Eurozone countries
In non-eurozone countries, the SEPA schemes are only used for euro-denominated payments. Reachability is only required for euro-denominated bank accounts. For payments made in the local currency, national schemes should continue to be used.
- Bulgaria
- Croatia
- Czech Republic
- Denmark
- Hungary
- Iceland
- Liechtenstein
- Norway
- Poland
- Romania
- Sweden
- Switzerland
- United Kingdom (including Gibraltar)