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Digital document certificate and digital certificate of private agreement via gov.gr


Two new digital applications have been added to gov.gr and pertain to the Digital Document Certificate and the Digital Certificate of Private Agreement. Citizens can find the forenamed applications by following the path “Citizen and everyday life” “Digital documents gov.gr” at gov.gr.


The applications are accessible to all natural persons who act either for themselves, or as legal representatives of a legal person or legal entity or as legal assistants or as juvenile commissioners.


Procedure of Issuance Digital Document Certificate


Citizens can access to the application “Digital Document Certificate” and transfer a copy of the document in a pdf format. The digital confirmation of the writing of the document by the natural person (after electronic verification of his identity) is placed at the end of the document and under the name of the publisher and includes the name, father’s name, and Tax reference number (TIN) of the publisher.

The unique verification ID is printed at the end of each page of the document in alphanumeric format and in QR format and the approved electronic stamp of the Ministry of Digital Government bottom is printed at the end of the document.

Procedure of Issuance Digital Certificate of Private Agreement


In case the document is issued by several natural persons, the first publisher in time enters the application, can download the document in pdf format and enter in the special field of the application the Name and Tax reference number (TIN) of the other issuers.

The other issuers must log in the application, select the private document to be issued and confirm via the special option the issuance of the contract by themselves.

At the end of the document and below the name of each publisher, the digital confirmation of the writing of the document by the natural persons who used the application (after electronic verification of their identity) appears and includes the name, father’s name, and Tax reference number (TIN) of each publisher.

The unique verification ID is printed at the bottom of each page of the document in alphanumeric format and in QR format.The approved electronic stamp of the Ministry of Digital Government is printed at the end of the document and after the authentication and issuance of the document by the last publisher, in chronological order.


The forenamed documents are as valid as the documents that have a certificate of genuine signature and are obligatorily accepted by the institutions.

