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How to pay greek taxes with greek e-banking account


In order to pay the Greek taxes, you need the tax statement (id note) from AADE for the payment. On the id note you will find a 30-digit number – the Payment ID (Ταυτότητα οφειλής) or “T.O.”, which is a unique number for each tax. This number can be used as many times as needed until the full payment of the tax. For more information about “T.O.”  meaning and some key words translation that appear on the id note click here

In Greece, tax payments can be done through a Greek e-banking account, using the 30-digit code (Payment ID ή «Ταυτότητα Οφειλής» ή «Τ.Ο.» ). Greek banks in their e-banking page have a special category that’s called “Public Services” or in Greek “Δημόσιες Υπηρεσίες” and then:

a) In National Bank you select “Confirmed debts” ή «Βεβαιωμένες Οφειλές» in Greek

In payments through the National Bank, the 30-digit code must be written without the gaps between the digits.

  1. Log in with the e-banking codes in nbg Internet Banking.
  2. On the left side of the screen there is the option “Transfers & Payments” and then “Payment of bills & debts”.
  3. The list of available payment categories will appear and search for “Confirmed Debts”. We select the transaction we need, for example EN.FIA. to open the payment tab.
  4. In the “Data Entry” we select the account from which we wish to pay and fill in the “Payment Code” which is on id note from the Tax Office with the name. By clicking on “Help”, at the bottom of our screen we can see the form of confirmed debts. Once we have completed the registration of the account, the payment code and the amount, select “Continue”.
  5. At the bottom of the screen, there is the i-code field. There, we enter the unique code we received via SMS on our mobile phone during the process. Once we are sure that all the information is correct, select “Confirm”.
  6. In the last step of “Completion”, we see on our screen the Transaction Number, the Execution Date and the i-code Confirmation Number. We have the ability to cancel the transaction by clicking on “Cancel Payment”, but also to “download” the receipt in printable format, selecting “View PDF”.

b) Alpha Bank:

Log in with your e-banking login details on myAlpha Web or myAlpha Mobile (application).

Payments via myAlpha Web

Select “New Transaction” and fill the “Payment ID” ή “Ταυτότητα οφειλής” in the “To” box. Then select a Billing Account or Credit Card to complete the payment process.

Payments via myAlpha Mobile

From the “Payments” menu, select the debt you wish to pay, eg “Certified Tax Debts” or “Traffic Fees”. Then select a Billing Account or Credit Card to complete the payment process.

To successfully pay off debts you need to know:

  1. A) The debt ID or payment code
  2. B) the exact amount of debt
  3. C) the payment end date

Installments are also allowed in the credit card payment method.

 c) Eurobank: IRS debt collection

  1. Login with your personal e-banking details
  2. Select “New transaction”, in the search type “Certified Tax Debts” or “Traffic Fees”. Then select a Billing Account or Credit Card to complete the payment process.

To successfully pay off taxes you need to know:

  1. A) the Payment ID or payment code
  2. B) the exact amount of tax
  3. C) the name or surname of the creditor

Installments are also allowed in the credit card payment method.

d) Piraeus:

  1. Login to winbank.
  2. Select from the menu: “Payments” → “By Category” or “Alphabetical”
  3. If you select “By Category”, then select “Public Services”
  4. Select “Certified Debts to Tax Office”
  5. In the menu that appears, select “Card” as the “Payment Method”
  6. Select the payment method (select the credit card if you wish to make the payment in installments).
  7. Select the number of installments you wish to make the payment (up to 12 interest-free installments)
  8. Fill in the payment details (amount, payment id) and select continue. You will need to confirm your payment information on this screen to make sure it is correct. At this point you will receive the extraPIN code on your mobile phone via SMS. Enter the code in the corresponding field and press “CONTINUE”.

The instructions are about the electronic tax payments based on current bank data and are purely for informational purposes – For any change or information contact your bank.

